Twenty-four rising sixth graders, representing each of the seven elementary schools, attended the Botetourt County Youth with Character Academy on July 11-13. The academy was sponsored by the Botetourt County Character Counts! Leadership Council.
The attendees participated in team building activities at Camp Bethel on the first day and the remainder of academy focused on the six pillars of character. Hands-on activities for each of the pillars were presented by middle school counselors, middle school resource officers, and members of the Botetourt County Character Counts! Leadership Council. These activities provided the attendees with a deeper understanding of the six pillars of character.
On the third day of the academy, the attendees took Character Counts! into the community by volunteering at the Botetourt Food Pantry, participating in a mock trial led by Judge Paul Tucker, and playing Bingo with the residents at the Brian Center.
The attendees will continue to take Character Counts! into their community by completing a community service project during the next three months. They will come back together on October 14 to present their projects to the other attendees, family, and guests.
The academy is funded through donations from businesses and civic organizations. If you’d like additional information about donating to the academy, contact Tyler Painter at the Botetourt Extension Office at 540-473-8260.