By Pam Dudding
As summer comes to an end, the busyness of preparing for school to start begins. The Craig County Public Schools had their school bus at Food Country on Saturday, July 23, to collect school supplies for our students in Craig County for their annual Load the Bus event.
People came out of the store with bags in hands.
“People have been so generous!” high school Principal Susan Stimeling shared. “Even people from out of town have brought us things as they shopped.”
And even children were toting bags of supplies onto the bus with big grins.
Supplies suggested for the schools include: crayons, No. 2 pencils, colored pencils, ink pens, pencil top erasers, colored markers (washable/find-line and regular), dry erase markers, highlighters, glue sticks, scissors, pencil boxes/pouches, colored two-pocket folders, composition notebooks, spiral notebooks and 3-ring binders (1 inch, 2 inch and 3 inch).
Also, they have a “wish list” of items, backpacks, tissues, hand sanitizer, baggies (sandwich and gallon sizes), baby wipes and headphones or earbuds.
The teachers and administration wish to send their heartfelt thanks to all those who have donated. If anyone still wishes to donate, they can be dropped during school hours at either school office.
“We were very blessed by our community,” Stimeling added. “All your donations have been greatly appreciated and will continue to help our students have a successful school year.”
Thank you to all who help to make our students’ lives in Craig County a little easier to afford.