The Local Office on Aging (LOA), in partnership with the Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office, Eagle Rock Ruritan Club, and area churches, held its first “Senior Services Day” last Friday at the Eagle Rock Community Center. The event focused on raising awareness of the numerous services and resources available to the local 50+ community.
A small crowd was expected for a Friday afternoon gathering. It turned into about 200 members of Botetourt coming out for lunch, desserts, and community.
Some of the many services at the event included the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) signing people up for daily well-being checks, some vaccines, and information about transportation options. Stations also featured information about the LOA, New Freedom Farm, Cora Physical Therapy, Virginia Navigator, Suicide Prevention Council of the Roanoke Valley, Good Samaritan, Renovation Alliance, Department of Social Services, Botetourt County Libraries, and Botetourt Fire & EMS.
Seniors visiting the event were able to comfortably browse and seek out services. The event and all services were provided free of charge to the senior community.