This year, The Fincastle Herald brings back “Letters to Santa.” Some of the kids at Cloverdale Elementary and Greenfield Elementary schools were good enough to let us print their letters. (Copies were made and forwarded to the Claus’s communications department.)
Dear Santa,
I would like a Pikachu stuffie, a parachute, and a gnome! Thank you!
Sylus, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I would like to have Golden Pokemon cards, some shiny Pokemon cards, and a big Pokemon card.
Westin, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving me my doll named Kiana last Christmas! This year I would like a Pikachu stuffed animal, a Pocahontas doll, and baby doll! Thank you!
Amelia, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my presents from last year! I want an LOL doll and a stuffed puppy. Thank you!
Nylah, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I liked the Pokemon cards you gave me last year, thank you! I really would like a Rainbow High doll, some more Pokemon cards, and Pokemon figures! Make sure you read a lot of books and Happy Christmas!
Kinzleigh, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you Santa for the walkie-talkies from last year! This year I would like Roblox, a Pokemon stuffie, and a Pokemon game.
Brayden, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the big Spiderman Goo Jit Zu from last Christmas! This year I would like a Sonic Hedgehog Tails plush, a Vaporeon plush, and a Flareon plush. Thank you!
Jordan, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my race track from last year! This year I would like a tracing pad. Thank you!
Grayson, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my Ariel and my horses from last Christmas. I would like more stuffed animals and a set of cats! Thank you and have a safe trip!
Marie, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want an Electric Charge Pikachu stuffed animal and a Nerf gun!
Landon, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my new water bottle from last Christmas! This year I would like a snow globe, a stuffie rainbow car, and Disney umbrella! Thank you!
Evelyn, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I would like an iPad for Christmas, a bike, and new bed!
Mera, 6, Cloverdale Elementary School
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the books I got last year and my stuffed dog! This year I would like foam shields and foam swords.
Gunnar, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my Nascar Hot Wheels car last year. This year I would like a Nintendo Switch, a PS5, and a water bottle that is like a basketball.
Tripp, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you Santa for my crystal fairy that flies from last year! I want a Baby Chicken Nugget plush, and a squishy of a unicorn.
Ahri, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you Santa for my go-cart and hover board from last year! This year I would like a PS 5 for me and an organizer for Mimi’s buttons and stuff. My birthday is in 28 days!
Zae, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for all the things you gave me last year and I hope you give me some cool things this year. I would like makeup, an electric skateboard, and a Barbie house.
Aleah, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want Mini Brands, a medium Panthers helmet, and Panthers stuff. Thank you, Santa, for all the toys.
Jack, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want Fortnite cards, Nerf toys, and Roblox toys. Thank you!
Daniel, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want a LankyBox, a tablet, a phone, and a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. Thanks, Santa!
Gunner, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Can I please have a LankyBox box, slime, a Santa plushie, and a LankBox plushie? Thank you!
Riker, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want to have a slime making kit, a cooking machine, friendship necklaces, and a robot. Thank you for my toys.
Aria, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
This year, I want a Pixies Crystal Flyer, an American Girl doll, and an ice cream cart. Thank you!
Reygan, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I would like a remote controlled car and a PS5. Thank you for giving me what I need.
NaZaire, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want some Mini Brands, different kinds of slime, Barbies and clothes, and an American Girl doll with accessories, LOL Surprise! Dolls, and O.M.G. dolls for Christmas. Thank you, Santa.
Afton, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I would like a makeup set, a pretty dress, and an eye mask for sleeping. Thank you, Santa, for last year’s presents.
Lilly, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Can I have Oonies, a giant squishie waffle, a stuffed Winifred and Wilfred, and all of the LOLs, squishes, and O.M.G.s in the world? I would like all of the poor kids to have a home and a family.
Tailor, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving me gifts. For Christmas, I would like a coloring book, a monster truck, slime, new crayons, and a kitty.
Kolbie, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Can you give me a lot of presents? Can I have a Squishmallow, a stuffed animal T-rex, and some more stuff? Thank you for giving me these presents.
Alexander, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Can I please have an octopus Squishmallow, a squid Squishmallow, and a red remote controlled car? Thank you!
Cheston, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for presents, a family, and friends. For Christmas, I want Checkers and toys.
Jensen, 6, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I would like a phone, a computer, and a remote controlled car. Thank you for the Christmas presents.
Joshua, 7, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I have been a nice kid. I have been kind and I really help my mom. I really want rubux. How are your elves? My aunt has seen you in the mall.
Your friend,
Aiza, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want a PS5 and Pokemon cards. What I want in my stocking is a Baby Yoda ornament and Big League Chewing Gum, and, if you have enough room, a Pokemon beenie too.
Your friend,
Charlie, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I really want an iPhone for Christmas. I hope you guys are doing good and the reindeer. Also, give me lots and lots of Pokemon. All of my family wants a snowy Christmas. Try not to get attacked by our cat, Santa!
Your friend,
Cora, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is: Pokemon Violet, Pokemon Tournament DX, Vmax Ex GX Pokemon cards, and a cat.
Your friend,
Crosby, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I hope I have the best Christmas ever! I hope I am on the nice list.
Your friend,
Desmond, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving the whole world presents. I think I have been good this year. But me and my sister have been fighting sometimes. What I want for Christmas is another puppy! Thank you!
Your friend,
Emily, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Will you please give me joy, please, please, please? Have a good Christmas.
Your friend,
Grace, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
This year I want a PS5 and 1 million Pokemon packs. I also want a Charzard and Blastois and a Venusare plush. Have a good Christmas.
Your friend,
Grayson, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I really want a PS5 for Christmas and a skateboard. My elf’s name is Snitch and he has a baby named Stitch. Stitch doesn’t go tot the North Pole. I have been good this year.
Your friend,
Jack, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I really want a Minecraft sword that changes to a pickle. I have been pretty good.
Your friend,
Jack, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want an iPhone 14 for Christmas. I want my Pop Pop. I want a PS5. I want a toy. I want a car toy.
Your friend,
Jadrien, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want a PS5 for Christmas and a dig it kit. I’ve been very good this year. I want an iPhone too. I have a lot of friends. I need an elf. Can you give me new clothes?
Your friend,
Jakob, second grader Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want an Alien Blast for Christmas. I love you and Mrs. Claus. I also want a video game
Your friend,
Jaxson, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want a doll house for Christmas. I hope it comes true. I’ve been good but not perfect.
Your friend,
Joanna, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I would like a makeup artist set, a rainbow high shadow doll, and make me shine bracelet set.
Your friend,
Jocelyn, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want a PS5 for Christmas. Can you get me an iPhone 14 too? I want a gaming room also.
Your friend,
Joey, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I haven’t been too bad. I am asking for Air Jordans with clothes and a lot of other stuff, please and thank you.
Your friend,
Kaiden, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I would like balloons because they are really fun to play with. I would like a squishmellow for Christmas please.
Your friend,
Kaylee, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want a video game for Christmas. Thank you.
Your friend,
Kellan, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want something for jackets, trash cans, flower sheets, flower comforter, and a flower blanket. Thank you for sending Purple. Oh, can I have a mirror? I know I have been good for the most part, but sometimes I forget.
Your friend,
Kilee, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Please can I have a hoverboard and nothing else?
Your friend,
Lauren, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I really want a new puppy. I really, really want a hoverboard. And I need a new charger. By the way, thank you for the Barbie Dreamhouse! P.S. I’ve been gooooood. I haven’t been the best but I have been good.
Your friend,
Libby, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the hoverboard. I need a charger for my hoverboard. What I want this year is doll stuff. PS I’ve been good.
Your friend,
London, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I have been ok but I have not been great! Can I have a gaming steering wheel with a shifter? You don’t have to give me much. Thank you.
Your friend,
Major, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I want a little dirt bike and a woopie cushion. I want Nerf guns please and thank you. (A real dirt bike too, please, for my dad.) I would also like an elf. You are the best!
Your friend,
Mason, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
Thank you for getting me presents! I love you. I’ve been good this year. You are the best! Thank you for my dino!
Your friend,
Matty, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I wish to have some face painting for Christmas because I am good at drawing. I am a good and a little mean. I also want Dog Man books and I am a good reader. I love to read chapter books in 2nd grade. Next year, I want Arctic Fox.
Your friend,
A second grade student, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I want a pet sheep and all of the Jack and Annie books and some for my sister. Among Us for my sister. I would also like Squishmallows.
Your friend,
Rozzy, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I would like my friends to be more nice. I would also like a gift. It is one little, well, it is kind of big gift. I have been good this year. I hope you and Mrs. Claus are having a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Your friend,
Serenity, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
I have been very good. I loved Christmas last year. I got huge presents! This year, I want a waterproof camera with a couple packs of film for the camera. Please send an elf to see my list.
Your friend,
Tessa, second grader, Cloverdale
Dear Santa,
This year I would like a toy truck and a watch. Thank you for the presents last year.
Collin, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like LOL dolls please. Thank you for the presents. I have been good by helping make breakfast while my dad sleeps.
Emma, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been really good this year. I would like an OMG Girl, Barbies, a Squishmallow, a moosh moosh, a phone and ten girl fidgets. Thank you for the pretty locket.
Ivy, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like crystal flyers. And please give Kenna and Hayden another Barbie Dreamhouse. I have been nice to my sisters.
Callie, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like a flute and a lot of gifts for my family. Maybe a real puppy and whatever you want to give me. Thank you for all the things you gave me last year.
Abby, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I want a kitten and winter clothes. Thank you for the stuff you gave me last year.
Olivia, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the Switch you gave me last year. This year I would like a blanket.
Ben, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like LOL Dolls and a Stitch movie. Thank you for the squishy.
Stephanie, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would want a Kittycorn and a toy hamster that talks. Thank you for the LOL House and the dinosaur you gave my brother last year.
Katherine, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving every kid that has been good presents. This year I would like an elf please, and I also want a flip phone.
Audrey, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like a phone and a dog. Thank you for the surprise!
Blanca, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like an iPhone 14 Pro Max and I need more school supplies. I have been good this year because I help my mom with the dishes. Thank you for the toys.
Jason, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like a live horse and a dog, a Rainbow High doll named Sky. My dad wants a golf set. Thank you for the gifts!
Hayden, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like baby doll stuff and books and clothes. Thank you for all Christmas’ past.
Emma, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
This year I would like a Switch and Plants vs. Zombies Battle for Neighborville. Thank you for kindness Santa.
Bear, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the four wheeler last year. This year I would like a Pokémon binder and on the front will be a Dynamax Chairzard and Pokémon cards and one rainbow card.
Jaxon, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the GooGoo Galaxy. All I want for Christmas is an iPad pen and a laptop.
Elizabeth, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for a Hot Wheel track with cars and thank you for everything. This year I would like 1,000 Pokémon cards.
Bryce, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I’ve been very good. This year I would like a slingshot, a slinky, and a toy spider.
Adrian, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for bringing my family and me together. This year I would like lots of toys.
Emma, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for everything. This year I would like a hoverboard.
Jackson, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my elf. This year I would like a robot.
Saige, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for presents. This year I would like nerf guns.
Austin, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my Switch Lite. This year I would like a loft bed.
Ava, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I love Christmas but all I want is my family for Christmas this year.
Laikyn, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for a Hot Wheels track. This year I would like an iPad.
Jack, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my toys. This year I would like baby dolls.
Heidi, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my toy car last year. I would like some goodies in the big sock. Make sure not to wake up my baby brother!
Damian, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the Pokémon last year. This year I want a PS4 and a lot of Robux and more Pokémon cards.
Grant, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the Barbies last year. This year I would like a Magic Mixies Ball and hair markers and an American Girl doll.
Nora, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the Nerf Gun last year. This year I want a Nerf Gun Snake.
Chase, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been good because I am doing good in school. This year I would like a Mixie and Barbies.
Kylee, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for my American Girl doll. I would like some 5 Surprise Frozen Moments.
Brielle, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
Thank you for presents. This year I would like a phone.
Ashlyn, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been good this year because I have made my mom and dad breakfast. I would like boy and girl twin Reborn Dolls.
Maggie, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
How are your elves? Thank you for the toy you gave me last Christmas. This year I would like a Walking Dead Nerf Gun. Thank you Santa!
Wyatt, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a mountain bike and an alarm clock, an mp3 player, air pods, a little live pet set and a bead pet set.
Emily, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a Nerf gun and a Pokemon card.
Santiago, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like some roblox gift cards. How much I really want is ten. I really want them this much for thanks for bringing it to me.
Karolina, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a kitty cat. How is Mrs. Claus? Thank you, Santa Claus. I hope you like the cookies.
Kim, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a phone and toys and make up.
Bryleigh, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like Nerf guns and a drone.
Lealan, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a toy monster truck than I can control and I big stand animal and a toy snake and a playdoh. Where is Rudolph, Santa?
Greyson, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I am thankful for my presents. Santa, is it cold at the North Pole? I hope you like the cookies. I want lots of presents.
Beau, 7, Greenfield Elementary
Dear Santa,
I would like a mini jeep for Christmas and a dirt bike that runs on gas.
Edgardo, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a hover board and a kitten and a cutting board and a hunter dog.
Abby, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a Dragon Ball toy and a coat and nine gift cards for Xbox.
Dilan, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a Spider-Man game. How do you feel? I feel good.
Austin, 8, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like lots of pokemon cards. How are you doing? How is Rudolph going? I have been kind of bad and good.
Asher, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a phone and a mini kitchen and toys. How are you?
Trubee, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a makeup set and an emergency my life set. How are the reindeer?
EmmaRose, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a slingshot. Oh and by the way, how are you?
Luke, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I would like a hamster for Christmas and a new book. I have been good this year too.
Brielle, 7, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by cleaning my room. My Christmas wish is to get a Nintendo Switch.
Your friend,
Damian, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind to my baby sister Quinn. My Christmas wish is to have a pet unicorn. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Andi, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by cleaning my room. My Christmas wish is to get a Titan C-S Nerf Blaster.
Your friend,
Angel, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been good at doing my homework. My Christmas wish is to get a Lego box and a RC car from you. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Carson, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been respectful by listening to my mom and dad. My Christmas wish is to get red and green hair dye and a personal Miko robot. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Carter, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by helping my friend when he got hurt. My Christmas wish is to get the Guardians of the Galaxy action figures.
Your friend,
Cash, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by helping my mom clean and helping my dad tie his shoes. My Christmas wish is to get a Rainbocorn.
Your friend,
Charlie, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by listening to my mom and dad and my teacher. My Christmas wish is to get tinker toys. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Cooper, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by helping my friend. My Christmas wish is to get a phone.
Your friend,
Dayany, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by feeding my pets in the morning and night. My Christmas wish is to get a real phone and a TV, please!! Thank You, Santa!
Your friend,
Ella, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by cleaning up after my dog. My Christmas wish is to get a MOTA Blast truck.
Your friend,
Emmanuel, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind to my friend Parker. My Christmas wish is to get a cookie and a Squishmallow. Thank You, Santa!
Your friend,
Genesis, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by helping my mommy decorate the Christmas tree. My Christmas wish is to get sports shirts, a bat mobile, and an Alexa. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Graham, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have showed my best effort by doing my school work. My Christmas wish is to get a Pokemon Booster Pack.
Your friend,
Jack, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I am so excited for Christmas! I have been caring by helping my friends when they get hurt. My Christmas wish is to get a drone.
Your friend,
Jackson, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by giving my dog a bone. My Christmas wish is to get a Hippity Hop and a surprise toy from you. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Jgionni, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by making my mom a bubble bath. My Christmas wish is to get Hatchimals.
Your friend,
Johana, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by loving my cats. My Christmas wish is to get BRIO Train Tracks.
Your friend,
Kaiden, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by helping Mrs. Rago put away things in our classroom. My Christmas wish is to get fluffy animals and my own TV. Thank You, Santa!
Your friend,
Kaidence, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by feeding my dogs. My Christmas wish is to get a Camelback water bottle.
Your friend,
Kinsey, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by doing the dishes. My Christmas wish is to get a new dress.
Your friend,
Lauralie, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by sharing my toys with my little brother. My Christmas wish is to get Pokemon cards and a giant remote control car. Thank You, Santa!
Your friend,
Lucas, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by setting the table. My Christmas wish is to get Magic Mixies and puddy that turns into animals. Thank You, Santa!
Your friend,
Madison, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by saving a caterpillar. My Christmas wish is to get a piano.
Your friend,
Madison, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by feeding my dogs. My Christmas wish is to get Pokemon cards and Heroes of Goo Jit Zu. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Myles, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by feeding the dogs. My Christmas wish is to get Pokemon Areceus and a Pokemon Shield game. Thank You, Santa!
Your friend,
Nolan, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by doing the dishes. My Christmas wish is to get ice skates.
Your friend,
Nora, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by making my bed. My Christmas wish is to get a dirt bike and a Nintendo Switch. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Parker, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by sharing my crayons. My Christmas wish is to get a Nintendo Switch.
Your friend,
Pierce, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been respectful by picking up my toys. My Christmas wish is to get a remote-control Titanic.
Your friend,
Reed, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by feeding my dog. My Christmas wish is to get a Baby Alive Change-n-Play Doll and Nike shoes. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Scarlett, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by helping my friends when they get hurt. My Christmas wish is to get Charmander.
Your friend,
Sebastian, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind to my brother. My Christmas wish is to get VBucks to play Fortnite and Pokemon cards. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Tanner, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been kind by helping my mom. My Christmas wish is to get a baby Yoda. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Tatum, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been responsible by doing the dishes. My Christmas wish is to get a drone.
Your friend,
Wesley, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by picking up trash. My Christmas wish is to get a Pokemon Golden Pack.
Your friend,
Wilson, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been good by helping mom and dad. My Christmas wish is to get my cousin Joseph to come home from the Coast Guard for Christmas. Thank you, Santa!
Your friend,
Wren, first grader, Greenfield
Dear Santa,
I have been caring by helping my friends when they get hurt. My Christmas wish is to get a Battle Kitty.
Your friend,
Wren, first grader, Greenfield