Many people think that hospice care is only for people who are expected to pass away within days or weeks.
That’s not true.
The fact is that hospice is a type of medical care where the goal is to maintain or improve quality of life. Hospice addresses all symptoms of a disease but has a special focus on controlling pain and discomfort.
It’s also focused on providing comfort and support to both patients and families.
Nurse Educator Margaret Hauser of Mountain Valley Hospice will speak about hospice care at The Landmark Center in Stuart on February 27 at noon. Lunch will be provided, and registration is requested for planning purposes. Those interested can call (276) 694-3050 to register. The event is free and open to the public.
Hauser said that “Contrary to what many people believe, hospice is NOT a death sentence.” She will discuss the myths and facts about hospice care, the goals of hospice care, and the quality of life that can be gained through symptom management for those in hospice care.
Landmark Admissions and Marketing Director Lisa Martin encourages the community to attend these valuable Senior Forums, co-sponsored by Blue Ridge Therapy Connection and Southern Area Agency on Aging. “We want to bring important topics and expert speakers to the public that address the special needs that seniors and others have. All are welcome to participate.”