It’s About Time is a Day Support and Residential Services agency that assists individuals whose lives are affected with an intellectual disability. This is the second year It’s About Time visited the First Bank Tinsel Trail. The Botetourt County Chamber of Commerce brought the visiting group to the museum where they learned about the museum exhibits and Botetourt history. They then walked the Tinsel Trail. Bobbie and Mitchell Bowman, owners of 25 East Main Bed and Breakfast, served hot chocolate and Christmas cookies to the guests during their lovely holiday experience that they look forward to attending every year.
Jason said that he, “learns something new every time he comes.”

Nicole said the trail, “makes her happy.”
Erin Lacks, Day Support Manager noted that, “This is the second year in a row we’ve brought our residents and we do it every year because it means so much to them to be out in the community and celebrating the holidays.”
~ Fincastle Herald staff report