The Ladies of the Henning Church of God met on Tuesday, Oct. 11, in the church fellowship hall for their regular monthly meeting. President Carole Spencer presided and Angie Scott led in prayer.
Joan Vance presented the devotion, “Who is the kindest person you know?” with scripture reference Proverbs 12:25 and John 13:34. We should be kind always and to everyone, curb the impulse to speak sharply, and pray every day. (Psalm 19:14) We should be kind and build a person up and not tear them down. Tell them that we believe in them completely and refrain from gossip. We also need patience and forgive others as Christ forgave us. (Ephesians 4:32) Make every effort to be kind to everyone you meet to be like Jesus, the kindest person we know. The group also sang, “In Loving Kindness Jesus Came By” written by Charles H Gabriel.
Barb Seldomridge gave the missionary education report about Kaitlin Smith, missionary to Uganda, Africa. She was saved early on and recommitted her life when she was a senior at Anderson, IN. She is a registered nurse that has worked in the emergency room, surgery and intensive care at a hospital in Nashville, TN. She is concerned that medical clinics in Uganda are up to government standards and people are treated physically and spiritually at these clinics. She is getting prepared for cross-cultural work.
Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes. Jamie Harvey gave the treasurer’s report.
Carole reminded the group that we will serve the Maxwelton Ruritans on Oct. 27. The church will host a pot-luck dinner for Pastor Appreciation on Oct. 30. The church will be making apple butter on Nov. 11. The group’s Christmas dinner will be on Dec. 6. The group decided to collect food for food banks and to donate to those who are shut in.
The next meeting will be Nov. 8 and Donna Scott dismissed in prayer.
Attending were: Alice Coff, Angie Scott, Barb Seldomridge, Carole Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Donna Scott, Fran Spencer, Jamie Harvey, Joan Vance, Marty Burns, Pauline Perkins, Patty Owens, Peggy Seldomridge, and Sue Hunt.