From The Times-Register archives
From the 1938 centennial edition of The Times-Register
Among the older commercial firms in Roanoke continuously in business for nearly half a century is the home furnishing firm of Thurman & Boone Company which was established in 1893, operating in a small way, handling at first used furniture, the store being on Campbell Avenue. The business was first operated under the name of Overstreet and Thurman, the partners being S. J. Overstreet and Edgar A. Thurman.
The business operated under this firm name until 1904, when I. E. Boone who had been a partner in the firm of Lowe and Boone became associated with the firm and the business was continued under the name of Thurman, Overstreet and Boone. Two years later Mr. Overstreet retired and the name changed to that of the Thurman and Boone Company, Incorporated. Both Messrs. Thurman and Boone are still identified with the firm, and both men are actively engaged in the conduct of the business.
Today, the Thurman & Boone Company has the distinction of being the largest furniture house in Virginia, and enjoys a commanding trade throughout this section of the state. Their home is located on the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Church Avenue, in the heart of the business center. The building is four stories in height. The entire lower floor with entrances from both Jefferson Street and Church Avenue, as well as the upper floors of the large building are occupied as display rooms for the showing of the product of the leading manufacturers of home furnishings of every description.