By Pam Dudding
Spring is here and the field of dreams is alive with children excitedly playing the all-American sport, baseball (or softball). Recently their newest building, a concession stand, was completed.
“Because of the dedicated work of many in the past couple years, there have been more projects completed and woven together at the Craig Field of Dreams that I can remember,” shared Debbie Snead. “Beginning with the 2500-foot ditch dug by BJ and Grant Oliver to connect the PSA water to the center of the complex to the commercial single phase service installed by Craig Botetourt Electric Cooperative to provide electricity to the complex; to the creation of a new Learning Lab/Concession stand by Bevins’ construction company; to get kids outside learning and earning to professional preparation of the infields by Rob Coulter and expert mowing and field maintenance by Zachary Taylor and a potential conservation plan for erosion control and field beautification by the Mountain Castle Soil and Water Conservation District and Valley Landscaping.”
She added that they are just beginning to construct a commercial septic system to connect to the new building and restrooms enabling a safe and healthy outdoor environment. The work is being provided by Craig’s D&C Excavating with funding from the Craig Economic Development Authority and the Virginia Outdoor Foundation’s Get Outdoors fund.
“The foundation is established to promote the preservation of open space lands and to encourage private gifts of money, securities, land or other property to preserve the natural, scenic, historic, scientific, open space and recreational areas of the Commonwealth,” Snead added. “We are indeed grateful for their funding and support of this critical component of the Field of Dreams making the complex more self-sufficient and sustainable.”
She also emphasized that all of these skill professionals cannot be matched except by their volunteer team of sports experts. “Craig Recreation and Conservation Association Sports Director Sheri Sloss guides the coaches and arranges schedules, referees, equipment and uniforms, works with the kids, volunteers, and parents and handles finances,” Snead said. “The rest of our team who support this work are also CCR & CA board members: Teresa Oliver, president; Joyce Ashley, secretary; and Debbie Boitnott, treasurer.”
If you are interested in working with the board serving as a coach or volunteering for fundraising the CCR & CA welcomes your participation.
You may contact any of the officers to volunteer or for membership. All donations can be sent to treasurer Debbie Boitnott at PO Box 371, New Castle Virginia 24127.
All donations and volunteers are greatly appreciated as we all work together to build a better place for our kids to enjoy.