Members of the Patrick County Economic Development Authority (EDA) affirmed their decision to push forward with the childcare project at a Dec. 14 meeting.
Instead of 80 children originally discussed, the county’s Economic Development Director Sean Adkins said “the math says right now we could probably push 40-45” children.
“That’s the best-case scenario,” he said.
Ron Haley said 40 children are better than none.
“I don’t understand the not being able to use some of that land,” chairman Bill Clark said.
The childcare center would be housed in the basement portion of the Business Development Center (BDC) that is located on the corner of Rye Cove Road and Slusher Street in Stuart.
Adkins previously asked the school board for permission to use the grassy area behind the new school board building for the outdoor playing area required for childcare centers. The request was denied because the school division has plans for the area.
Adkins then suggested a partial closure of Rye Cove Road – the section from Slusher Street to Rucker Street, or the space between the two buildings.
The Patrick County Board of Supervisors approved exploring the road closure process at a Nov. 21 meeting, but Adkins does not believe the “the environment is there to go forward with that.”
“We need it, so we’re going to get it to work,” Adkins said.
In other matters, the authority:
*Approved the meeting minutes.
*Accepted the finance report.
*Discussed the Wi-Fi usage in the BDC and potentially getting a usage report from RiverStreet Networks in January.
*Heard a broadband update.
*Discussed the Rich Creek Corporate Park.
*Discussed potential projects to be submitted for funding in January to Ninth District U.S. Rep. Morgan Griffith’s office.
Glenn Roycroft and Dave Lusk did not attend the meeting.