By Jennifer Britt
The Parsons Advocate
Commissioner Fred Davis gave the devastating news that the Veteran’s Affairs clinic in Parsons, is on the list to be shut down within the next ten years. Davis was highly upset at this news and has reached out Washington, D.C. to see what can be done to prevent this from happening.
When Davis called to find out why the clinic may be closing, they stated the clinic in Buckhannon would be the main hub for the area. Davis disagrees saying, between the local veterans and the ones from surrounding areas, the Parsons clinic was already a main hub for the area.
While talking to D.C. Davis explained the EMS situation currently in Tucker County and all of West Virginia. The spokes person in D.C. said they were not aware of the situation but would investigate it and get back to Davis by the end of the week.
Davis also reported that leachate from the Davis landfill would be transported to the Thomas landfill starting on Monday. There will be a limited amount taken in by Thomas landfill, but every little bit helps the Davis landfill.
Commissioner Lowell Moore reported the new John Deere lawn mower ordered for Camp Kidd will be delivered next week. The mower has been on order since February 3, 2022.
White thanked the Commission, as a fellow community member, for everything the Commission has done for Camp Kidd. White said: “Being the only shelter on this of the county it’s a relief to know it’s there if we ever need it.” Rosenau said they will continue to work on the shelter in Thomas so that “God forbid anything was to happen, we will be prepared.”
Rosenau excitedly announced the finding of the old Pulper Cemetery in Camp Kidd. Rosenau and Moore stated they have lived here all their lives and have never been able to find the cemetery. Rosenau said the way you could tell the cemetery was there were the sunken graves, for there were no markers or stones. Rosenau would like to look further into a project to preserve the graves from further damage.
Barb Means in the audience of the Commissioners meeting and spoke to them about the EMS audit. Means stated when she obtained a copy of the audit report it was only a summary of the money spent by the EMS. Means requested there be a break down of every dime spent so the community knows where the money has been spent.
Commissioner Mike Rosenau suggested to Means that she go to the office of CPA Mark Joseph, and he should have any information she wished to acquire. Commissioner Fred Davis also stated that he would try to get an itemized copy of the audit as well. Davis said he would he get a copy to Means when obtained one himself.
Means stated: “Time is of the essence, voting on the levy is just a few days away. The community wants to see where the money is being spent before they vote yes or no.”
Mike Simmons was filling in for 911 Deputy Director Beverly Cantrell to give an update on the 911 department. This past month there were a total of 745 calls made to 911. Of those 745 calls 66 were for EMS, 45 for law enforcement, and 33 were for the four local fire departments.
Simmons thanked the commission for allocating the money needed to replace the floors in the 911 building.
Parson Fire Department Chief Kevin White presented his report to the commissioners. White presented a quote to added flashing lights to signage around Tucker County. The lights will contain a solar panel for charging.
The quote White presented is one for $8,075 for each light that included the poles needed and installation. White would like to get another quote that would just include the lights and installation of those lights onto existing DOH sign poles. DOH is currently working through the summer to replace some of those poles and signs that have damaged.
White presented an approval for the Wildfire signage from the forestry department. The sign will give a daily update of the fire hazards in the area to help prevent a forest fire from happening. The new sign, once the forestry department gets started on project, will be located at the bridge embedment.
White stated that he had been working on this for four years and “as a forest town, it is highly needed.”
The next meeting of the Tucker County Commission will be held on May 11, 2022, at 9 a.m. at the Tucker County Courthouse Courtroom, 3rd floor, located at 211 First Street, Parsons, WV 26287.