Aila Boyd
The Salem City Council met for a regularly scheduled meeting Monday, July 10. During the meeting, one item of old business and a range of new business was delt with.
Under old business, the council unanimously approved an ordinance on second reading for a request from J S Salem LLC and the Trustees Faith Assembly of God for rezoning the property of a property in the 500 block of White Street from RSF Residential Single-Family District to CBD Community Business District. The council previously approved the request on first reading.
Under new business, the council unanimously approved the appropriation of funds for several agenda items, including:
- Appropriation of additional state and local funding for the Apperson Drive Bridge Project.
- Accept and appropriate Green Grant funds.
- Appropriate General Fund Reserves for repairs to Bridge #1800 (Apperson near Cook Drive) and to replace ambulance (Medic 803).
- Appropriate proceeds from the sale of equipment.
The council also authorized the transfer of funds from contingency to Salem City Public Schools.
Additionally, the setting of a bond for physical improvements and erosion and sediment control and landscaping for West Main Street Storage was approved.
All five members of the council were present at the meeting.