Robert C. Byrd Clinic is excited to introduce a brand-new service called Grocery Tours. Amy Jasperse, our Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist, is providing this helpful 1 to 2 hour, in-store training to individuals or groups who want to: Save time (no more aimlessly walking the grocery store aisle confused about what to buy); know how to properly read food labels; shop with confidence once you know which foods best support your health goals; have peace of mind that you’re choosing the right foods for you and your family; save money on buying the right kinds of foods instead of wasting money on foods that go to waste; learn meal planning tips so you will have variety in your meals; know the difference between organic and non-organic produce and why eating healthy does not have to be expensive; learn how to shop for seasonal produce; understand unit pricing; and learn how to properly store produce to extend shelf life.
This service only costs $20 out of pocket. Amy has also recently introduced a more specialized service for individuals who wish to receive one-on-one training for their specific health needs for $80. Anyone interested should call 304-645-3220, ext. 2 to schedule a Grocery Tour!