By Lacie Pierson, Charleston Gazette-Mail
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A bill that would have limited homeless shelters died in the West Virginia House of Delegates on Wednesday.
House Bill 4753 took a legislative roller-coaster ride, starting in the House Judiciary Committee, followed by a public hearing Monday morning before moving on and off the House’s calendar Wednesday. The bill eventually made its final stop at the foot of the House Special Calendar, where delegates did not take it up again before adjourning for the day.
Because Wednesday was Crossover Day, the day when bills have to pass their chambers of origin to ensure lawmakers in the other chamber have time to consider the bill, House Bill 4753 effectively is dead for this year’s regular session, which ends March 12.
The bill had been on a fast track through the House after it was introduced on Feb. 15, the last day to introduce bills in that chamber…