Department of Wildlife Resources introduces new officers to southwest Virginia
By Alexander Shedd Two new conservation officers are joining the ranks of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) for...
By Alexander Shedd Two new conservation officers are joining the ranks of the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) for...
By Pam Dudding To watch a child get excited in getting a book brings a deep sense of satisfaction to...
Buchanan’s Civil War History Weekend highlights the Civil War era through living history camps, battle re-enactors, period skits and more...
Amy Coleman is a BTEC graduate who opened Pure Elegance Hair Studio in May of 2020. By Matt de Simone...
The Eagle Rock Library hosted a “Plant and Seed Swap” last weekend. By Matt de Simone The Eagle Rock...
The Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office recently posted on its Facebook page about the patrol vehicles’ all-new graphics scheme. The vehicles...
The Bonsack/Blue Ridge Ruritan Club will have a chicken barbecue fundraiser from 4:30-6 p.m. on Saturday, May 21. The drive-through...
The Botetourt Retired Educators will meet on Monday, May 9, at the Greenwood Restaurant, 8176 Lee Highway, Troutville. Registration for the...
The Botetourt Kiwanis Club is inviting the public to the annual recycling event to be held on May 28 from...
James River High School is accepting nominations for the annual Knights of Distinction Award. This award is designed to recognize...
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