By Pam Dudding
The Bible states, “Bring a child up in the way they should go, and when they are older, they will not depart from it.”
Lighthouse Baptist Church seems to bring that scripture to life, as during their Vacation Bible School for the kids, they host an annual “penny war” to raise funds for missionaries.
“We have done these penny wars for years,” Pastor Lee Looney shared. “I pick a missionary every year to send the money to for a special offering.”
This year the monies went to James Ruckman in Uganda, Africa to drill a well for water in two villages.
“They haven’t had water there for almost a year,” Looney said. “This is a missionary that we support monthly, and he is a dear friend to me. He is also a Church Planter and before he went back to Africa, he and his wife planted a church in South Dakota.”
Looney noted that he had the privilege to go out and help with that project.
Fun is added to the rules as the boys and girls try to outdo each other each night of VBS.
To add to the fun, Looney said, “We also pick a couple of women and men that are willing to get a pie in the face and at the end of the week if the boys won more the man gets the pie in the face if the girls win the women does.”
He also said that the adults get pretty competitive with bringing their pennies as well.
“We do it by weight and this year we raised $910.26 worth of pennies!” he said happily. “The kids love it, and some actually save their pennies all year to bring them.”
This year, the boys won.
“As a pastor I love it! The kids get excited about helping and also this gets the Gospel out,” Looney shared. “The wells that will be providing water at the churches will also provide water for the peoples in the village which in turn opens the door for the Pastor and others at the Church to share the gospel.”
“We never know the impact that we can have!” he added. “I believe when we get to Heaven we will see just how much.”