Although patients maintain the right to refuse medical care when a rescue squad is called, they will now be billed regardless.

The Patrick County Board of Supervisors approved the change requested by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordinator Scottie Cassell at its May 9 meeting.
“This month alone, Station 8 had 91 patient refusals that it did not get billed for. It means we collected nothing on our effort going out for anything,” Cassell said.
While billing in those cases has not been done in the county, it is done in the surrounding counties, he said.
“They’re called ‘Treated Without Transport’ (calls), so they can be checked on the call sheet. The average is anywhere between $75 and $100 a call,” Cassell said.
Patient refusal cases are not normally covered by insurance, but at a lower amount, Cassell said, and explained a normal transport bill is $600 to $700.
Patient refusals do not include public assist cases, but are those that have EMS doing something for the patient, such as checking vital signs.
“We are just charging for the patient refusals. The ones that we check, do something for, and they don’t want to

go” to a medical facility for additional treatment, he said.
In other matters, the board:
*Presented a certificate of achievement to Toby Hooker for successfully completing the requirements to earn the rank of Eagle Scout.
*Postponed discussions on the redistricting ordinance and discussions of an in-house tax assessor until the June 13 meeting.
*Approved the meeting minutes.
*Approved the bills, claim, and appropriations.
*Heard from Timothy Eas, who asked for Handy Mountain Road to be moved up from its current 3rd spot on the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT) 6-year plan list to first place. Denise Stirewalt, of the Peter’s Creek District, agreed that it should be moved up. The board decided to move it to the second spot on the list.

*Approved a special election for the Patrick County Commonwealth’s Attorney seat.
*Heard from Family and Consumer Science agent Terri Alt, of the Virginia Cooperative Extension, about addiction in the county.
*Recognized the 50th anniversary of Piedmont Community Services and its dedicated service to Patrick County.
*Proclaimed May 2022 as Ruritan Awareness Month.
*Approved the Employee Code of Ethics policy.
*Approved Fire and EMS exemptions.
*Heard a County Administrator’s report from Geri Hazelwood.
*Heard Supervisor’s reports.

*Heard a general highway update from VDOT representative
David Kiser.
*Appointed Mary Dellenback Hill to the Tourism Advisory Council (TAC).
*Appointed Cynthia Callie to the Planning Commission at large.
*Nominated Terry Tilley to the Public Service Authority (PSA) as an at large member.