Pam Dudding
Contributing writer
The Bible states in Isaiah 54:2: “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.”
The Lighthouse Church in New Castle is doing just that as it has started building new additions to the church.
The church started construction before Christmas and has been going strong ever since.

“We are building a fellowship hall and gym, with a kitchen and some classrooms,” Pastor Lee Looney shared. “We feel that there is a great need for a place for children.”
The group’s desire is to better serve not only their church but also their community.
“We have received some donations and have been very blessed with being able to purchase the materials needed.” Looney added. “We are moving along pretty good and hope to start building the first of next week as all of the materials are in.”
He also said that those who wish to help “are always welcome.”
Their congregation shared that they are very excited to see this addition happen.
For the future, Looney shared, “My desire is to have programs and I want to have an after school program and a place for kids to come to.”

Lighthouse Baptist Church hosts many events for their kids including lock-ins, youth outings, outdoor activities, Vacation Bible School and much more.
They also make hospital visits, nursing home visits and door-to-door visits.
They have Wednesday Bible study at 7 p.m. as well as classes for kids. Sunday school starts at 10 a.m. and Sunday morning service is at 11 a.m., with a Sunday night service at 6 p.m. They also have kids and teens program.
Those who would like to reach Pastor Lee Looney may do so at (540) 864-5259 or (540) 525-7662. They are located “in the flats” on Route 311 on Paint Bank Road/Salem Avenue. Their mailing address is 519 Draft Road, New Castle, VA 24127.
They extend an open door welcome to anyone wishing to join them to visit or to make Lighthouse their home church.