Students in Dr. Kathleen Fowler’s Writing Composition courses at Surry Community College’s Pilot Center recently had a hands-on opportunity to make writing a fun activity when tie-dyeing became a lesson in writing directions.

“The purpose of the project was to teach the students how to break down a complicated process into steps and write about it clearly, so others can understand and follow that same process. We call this type of writing – process analysis,” Fowler explained.
The instructor and students first talked about the steps involved in making a tie-dye design and had fun thinking about creative projects ranging from the usual T-shirts to other accessories such as hats, bags and socks. The students then tied their items and applied the colors. When the process was completed, each student wrote out the precise steps they followed to make their unique designs.
“The tie-dye project is an excellent way for the students to draw upon their individual learning styles. Many of them are very strong visual and kinesthetic learners which means that they understand and retain information better if they can see it applied and do it for themselves,” Fowler explained. “All of the students were wholeheartedly involved in the project and that is reflected in the quality of their writing.”

An anonymous student wrote that one of the aspects of the class that helped them learn was Dr. Fowler’s “allowing us to relate back to what we’ve experienced as a person along with providing fun activities.”
The students who participated in the project are Liannette Chavez, Jamariah Lowery, Nick Lowery, Abby McHone, Logan Mitchell, Maria Chilton, Cadence Lawson, Ella Pearson, Angelle Phipps, Savanna Raths, Kenzie Shoffner Kyndal Talton, Chloe Ann Tew, Kaleigh Vaught, Jocelyn Vosher and Alisha Winesetof Pilot Mountain; Layton Allen, Morgan Bryant, Alyson Huybert, Mary Inman, Christina Seawell, Katherine Stevens and Brianna Whitaker of Pinnacle; Mallory Martin and Kaitlyn Wall of Westfield; America Chavez-Cabrera, Megan Hutchens and Sarah Taylor of Mount Airy; Olivia Doton and Jackie Dezarn of Siloam; Belle Bullington, Rose Craven and Emma Hutchens of Shoals; Citlali Martinez-Arellano of Holly Springs; Arianna Murray of Winston-Salem; and Alexander Arreola-Galvan of South Ridge.
Surry Community College offers many English courses each semester, and registration is currently open for Summer and Fall classes. Contact Student Services at (336) 386-3264 or for additional information.