By Matt de Simone
Buchanan held its Civil War Weekend last weekend at Buchanan Town Park.
Thursday kicked off the weekend’s events when the Botetourt Artillery set up Camp Headquarters at Lowe Street and Boyd Street. A registration check-in station sat under the Covered Pavilion at the park.
On Friday, open registration opened at the Picnic Pavilion on Town Park. Units from across the country arrived throughout the day.
The Botetourt Artillery Camp opened its living history display along the James River, which welcomed the smell of burning campfires and sounds of galloping horses. Later on Friday, units held an artillery demonstration. The night concluded with the showing of 1965’s “Shenandoah” at the Buchanan Theatre.
Saturday started with a breakfast at the historic Wilson Warehouse and the opening ceremonies officially kicking off the weekend’s events. Units lined up to receive their orders in the center of the Town Park.
A Friends of the Library book sale took place at the Carson Memorial Building on Main Street. Various events continued on Saturday and Sunday, highlighted by a reenactment of the Battle of Buchanan at Town Park.
For more information about upcoming events in Buchanan, visit the Town of Buchanan’s Facebook page and page four of The Fincastle Herald every week.