The Town of Buchanan held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new LOVEworks sign located at the Swinging Bridge Park at the intersection of Main Street and Lowe Street.
For over 50 years, the iconic “Virginia is for Lovers” slogan can be seen on shirts, bumper stickers, and billboards across the country. In 2013, LOVE signs were constructed at Virginia’s welcome centers and state highways. One could say that the signs are “LOVE letters” built by different regions.
The slogan permeates from the 300+ LOVEworks around the state, LOVE can be found in every corner of the Commonwealth.
To check out Virginia’s list of places where visitors can add more LOVE to their vacations, visit https://www.virginia.org/love/. Visitors and residents can share their pictures on Facebook at Facebook.com/VirginiaisforLovers or by tagging @VisitVirginia on Instagram and Twitter and using the hashtag #LOVEVA.
In the Town of Buchanan’s Facebook post, the town showed appreciation for the effort putting the project together stating, “Thank you to everyone who participated in the ribbon cutting from the Buchanan LOVEworks Sign. Special thanks to Katie Connor, Destination Development Specialist, who got us started on the project, special thanks to BTEC including Principal Shaun Sparks, Nathaniel Kingery and Troy Linkenhoker, as well as new Principal Michael Ketron who constructed the letters for the sign, and, special thanks to Bank of Botetourt for their sponsorship donation and to everyone else who helped on the project.”